adds the data from an 'rerddap::griddap() call to
a 'plotdap' map
fill = "viridis",
maxpixels = 10000,
time = mean,
animate = FALSE,
cumulative = FALSE,
a plotdap object.
a griddap object.
a formula defining a variable, or function of variables to visualize.
either a character string of length 1 matching a name in the
package cmocean
or a vector of color codes.
This defines the colorscale used to encode values
of var
integer > 0. Maximum number of cells to use for the plot. If maxpixels < ncell(x), sampleRegular is used before plotting. If gridded=TRUE maxpixels may be ignored to get a larger sample
how to resolve multiple time frames. Choose one of the following:
A function to apply to each observation at a particular location (mean is the default).
A character string (of length 1) matching a time value.
whether to animate over the time
variable (if it exists).
Currently only implemented for method='ggplot2'
and requires the
gganimate package.
- if animation should be cumulative -default FALSE
arguments passed along to geom_sf()
(if method='ggplot2'
, otherwise ignored).
A plotdap object
# base plotting tends to be faster,
# but is less extensible plotdap("base")
# actual datasets in data folder to meet execution timings
# murSST <- rerddap::griddap(
# ' jplMURSST41', latitude = c(35, 40), longitude = c(-125, -120.5),
# time = c('last', 'last'), fields = 'analysed_sst'
# )
# QMwind <- rerddap::griddap(
# 'erdQMwindmday', time = c('2016-11-16', '2017-01-16'),
# latitude = c(30, 50), longitude = c(210, 240),
# fields = 'x_wind'
# )
p <- plotdap(crs = "+proj=robin")
p <- add_griddap(p, murSST, ~analysed_sst)
#> grid object contains more than 10000 pixels
#> increase `maxpixels` for a finer resolution
# p <- plotdap(mapTitle = "Average wind over time")
# p <- add_griddap(p, QMwind, ~x_wind)
# p <- plotdap("base", crs = "+proj=robin")
# p <- add_griddap(p, murSST, ~analysed_sst)
# layer tables on top of grids
#> Loading required package: magrittr
p <- plotdap("base") %>%
add_griddap(murSST, ~analysed_sst) %>%
add_tabledap(sardines, ~subsample_count)
#> grid object contains more than 10000 pixels
#> increase `maxpixels` for a finer resolution
# multiple time periods
p <- plotdap("base", mapTitle = "Average wind over time")
p <- add_griddap(p, QMwind, ~x_wind)