is a function to plot the results from
plotColor = "viridis",
myFunc = NA,
mapData = NULL,
crs = NULL,
animate = FALSE,
cumulative = FALSE,
name = NA,
shape = 20,
size = 0.5
data frame returned from 'rxtracto()'
passed to 'rxtracto()'
passed to 'rxtracto()'
passed to 'rxtracto()'
the color to use in plot from 'cmocean'
function of one argument to transform the data
map data from 'maps' or 'mapdata', must be of class 'map'
valid crs string
if multiple times, if TRUE will animate the maps
makes cumulative animation of data
name for colorbar label
shape to use to mark track
size of shape to use to mark track
a 'plotdap' plot
## example data download for plotTrack
## tagData <- Marlintag38606
## xpos <- tagData$lon[1:20]
## ypos <- tagData$lat[1:20]
## tpos <- tagData$date[1:20]
## zpos <- rep(0., length(xpos))
## example data download for plotTrack
## swchlInfo <- rerddap::info('erdSWchla8day')
##scwchl <- rxtracto(swchlInfo, parameter = 'chlorophyll', xcoord = xpos,
## ycoord = ypos, tcoord = tpos, zcoord = zpos, xlen = .2, ylen = .2)
# suppressWarnings(p <- plotTrack(swchl, xpos, ypos, tpos, plotColor = 'algae'))