pre-Download of Pacific West Coast SST fro use in `plotTrack()` example can run within CRAN Time limits
An object of class list
(inherits from rxtractoTrack
) of length 13.
obtained using the `rxtracto()` command tagData <- Marlintag38606 xpos <- tagData$lon[1:20] ypos <- tagData$lat[1:20] tpos <- tagData$date[1:20] tpos <- tagData$date[1:20] zpos <- rep(0., length(xpos)) swchlInfo <- rerddap::info('erdSWchla8day') swchl <- rxtracto(swchlInfo, parameter = 'chlorophyll', xcoord = xpos, ycoord = ypos, tcoord = tpos, zcoord = zpos, xlen = .2, ylen = .2)